So you want to buy BTC's with Paypal and without verification and preferably instantly?
Hmmm! Well, that's great news, because you're in the perfect spot! Woohoo!
Now I've got 4 great ways that you can use to buy BTC's with PayPal + some extras to show, and by the end of it, I assure that you'll be buying away! So let's start!
NOTE: This post on buying bitcoins with PayPal has some affiliate links. If you buy a service using one of my links, I’ll earn a little commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for the support! It means a tonne!
The easiest method I have personally found when trying to buy Bitcoin's is through a website called
WeSellCrypto's! You not only can buy BTC's with them but they also offer Dogecoin, Litecoin, DASH, and Reddcoin.
Their system is one of the best ones around, besides who dosen't want Instant delivery! We'll get into the specifics about that a bit later.
Now of course if you aren't verified with them you can still buy BTC's but just not as much. Unverified users can buy $15 USD per day, but verified users can go up to $250+ per day.
Now reliability wise, they are speedy and amazing! Actually scratch that, they have an instant delivery system for orders under 250 USD!
My Purchase history using WeSellCrypto's:
Click to expand
The only problem I have found using their service is the pricing, now its a bit on the premiumish side, but that's because buying BTC's with PayPal is a huge risk for the service provider, they can easily get scammed and go bankrupt through chargebacks.
Final Rating: 8.5/10
TL:DR WeSellCrypto's is a solid yet great service, definitely one that's both user-friendly and genuine. Take my word on it, after you use them you'll look sorta like this :relaxed:
High Fees Method - Ebay
Yes really! You can buy BTC's off of Ebay, but the seller decides if they want to see verification, most of the times just having a verified PayPal account is fine.
The biggest problem with buying off of Ebay is because the seller is taking all the shots, so they decide on the price and trust me the pricing is brutal!
© Pixabay
They charge you sky-high rates, but if you want to buy with Paypal and no Verification, then that's the toll you'll have to take.
Oh, and as a side note, you can even buy Mining contracts and all that stuff from Ebay sellers as well. That's pretty neat!
Here is a link to get you started with buying BTC from Ebay
Final Rating: 6/10
TL:DR If you don't want to verify yourself and wish to pay high fees then Ebay is a great option!
Complicated Way -
Now chances are if you have been looking around for ways to buy Bitcoins without verification then you might have stumbled upon Virwox!
Well, to be honest, this isn't the best way to do it and there are quite a few reviews that claim after they take your money they would require ID before sending out your BTC's.
Well, that certainly isn't fair, to say the least! Now if you are aware of these risks and want to continue, then sure go for it's, but give your money some nappies because its scary complicated to use!
*Queue the scary Music*
© Halloween Horror Music
Buying and Withdrawing BTC's with Virwox In a Nutshell Tutorial:
Step 1: Go to Virwox
Step 2: Click deposit
Step 3: Choose PayPal as your payment method
Step 4: Convert your money from your currency to SLL currency by placing a sell order
Step 5: Place the order amount of SLL
Step 6: Click next
Step 7: Covert SLL to BTC
Step 8: Click Withdraw
Step 9: Enter the amount you would like to withdraw and wait approx 24-48 hours
Step 10: Comment down below on how your experience went with them! I would love to know!
Final Rating: 4/10
TL:DR High fees, very complicated to use, in comparison to WeSellCrypto's its ease of use is like comparing a Toyota to a Mercedes-Benz...Toyota being Virwox :cold_sweat:
So you're settled on not giving anyone your ID over the net? Well yes everyone has their own reasons why and what not.
Well if you wouldn't mind meeting people, like literally arranging a meetup at a local area then LocalBitcoins is your solution!
You can simply go over there, search for Local's willing to give you BTC's in exchange for cash in hand for a reasonable price and bellissimo, that's it!
But...what if you don't want to meet up?
Well, some sellers even accept Gift cards, so you can hop online buy a Gift Card with PayPal then click here to find sellers who want Gift Cards in exchange for Bitcoins, then arrange the sale with the seller, and that's it!
Final Rating: 7.8/10
TL:DR If your the type of person that just can't be bothered (Hint: Me in the morning) to arrange a meet up with someone at a Local area then LocalBitcoins might not be the solution for you, but is perfect if you have a spare Gift card lying around...which isn't used :laughing:
Buying BTC using a Credit Card Without Verification - Indacoin
My personal favourite and affiliate is Indacoin! Their website is really easy to use, cleanly organised and their Support team is great if you encounter any problems.
Final Rating: 9/10
TL:DR Indacoin is a great option if you really want to buy Bitcoins quick and of course without ID. The only problem is you would require a Credit Card to use their service, but if you're not planning on doing anything shady, then you'll be fine
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NOTE: Some of the links used within this article are affiliate links, it's just some pocket money so I can buy the coffee that keeps me running.
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